Saturday, April 14, 2012

Why don't women have facial hair?

It's just a random question I was wondering. I wanted to know why evolution made women stop growing hair on their face but men still do.

Why don't women have facial hair?

nothing to do with evolution

the same hormones that control women's menstrual cycles (periods) and allow women to have children doesn't permit much facial hair growth (at least not usually)

Men have a different hormone, testestorone, which stimulates hair growth

Why don't women have facial hair?

Some women do have facial hair, but its not that see-able. They have hair that may be dark, some light

Why don't women have facial hair?

Women do have facial hair--it is just a very fine peach fuzz and can't be seen unless you look up close.However, if a moan shaves on a daily basis, there will be hair as hair, on both men and women, grows in darker and thicker. Eventually, she will have a full grown beard. Google the bearded lady--there'll probably have pictures.

Why don't women have facial hair?

We have estrogen. And trust me we do have facial hair, just not as course as men's facial hair. We get our upper lips, eyebrows, heck any part of our face waxed around every six weeks or so. When we get older, it seems to get darker...thank goodness for beauty salons!!!

Why don't women have facial hair?

its due to the difference in hormones. Women have higher estrogen levels while men have higher testosterone levels. the testosterone is what makes u have facial hair

Why don't women have facial hair?

They do have facial hair! They wax it off!

Why don't women have facial hair?

Women do have facial hair and some of them have more than most men. The vast majority of American women remove facial hair at least once a month. A significant proportion shave every day. And pure-bred Native American Indian males have no beard or moustache growth.

It's a question of sensitisation to testosterone during fetal life and exposure to it in adult life. Relative levels of estrogen and shbg are also involved. Women tend on average to have less facial hair than men, but that's not a certainty in any individual case.

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