Saturday, April 14, 2012

Shaving my moustache and small facial hair?

ok i'm 14 years old and have really short hair on my chin

and have a moustache which is sorta big but not big and bushy.

there are ppl who say i should shave it and other ppl say i shouldn't.

my parents and uncle say that if i shave my moustache now, it will grow back really thick.

what should i do?

Shaving my moustache and small facial hair?

First off, don't listen to the idiots that say that shaving your hair will make it grow back thicker. This is COMPLETELY untrue and a myth among uneducated people. Nothing that you do to hair above the surface (whether that be cutting, trimming, shaving, bleaching, etc.) will ever make it grow back thicker. On the other hand, waxing and plucking... which remove the hair from the ROOT, WILL make it grow back thicker. When you pull the hair out at the root, it irritates the follicle and the follicle grows back thicker next time in a desperate attempt to get stronger and resist the pulling... thicker bulb (to secure itself) = thicker hair shaft. So shave it if you want, and if you don't like it, it will grow back and be exactly the same as before. It may look slightly thicker as it is first growing in because the ends will be blunt (from the cutting of the hair), instead of tapered (which naturally happens as hair grows naturally), but it will still be exactly the same.

I say shave it. You're 14 (I think that's what you said), so you don't want to look like an old man with a mustache.

Shaving my moustache and small facial hair?

Well, if you do shave it, it will grow back faster %26amp; maybe thicker. If you don't shave it and keep growing it out, it won't grow as fast. Good luck

Shaving my moustache and small facial hair?

EDIT: You should specify if you are a guy or girl! Because the advice will be totally different.

14-year old boy: Shave, it please, and yes, of course it's going to grow back, but it will just be darker, it doesn't really matter it's not going to be "AHHH MY BEARD WENT FROM BARELY THERE TO A MOUNTAIN MAN BEARD IN ONE WEEK!!", and you probably are not going to have to shave it that often. Just, save your self the scraggly beard. = )

I went through the same thing, so from experience, I say shave it. = )


14 year old Girl: Wax it, it doesn't promote hair growth so hey! you lose the hair and the hair has a harder time growing back.

Shaving my moustache and small facial hair?

I think waxing is the best choice.

I, too, quite abit of facial hair on my upper lip to the extent where people started to notice. I bleached it with a hair cream bleach, and it looked fine, the hair was light.. .. well atleast, in my eyes. You see, I'm a brunette, and if you're a brunette I don't suggest you bleach your 'moustache.' After I bleached it, two people told me "??Why is your hair blonde??" I actually wouldn't know what they were talking about .. and then I would give them a look like "hm?" and they'd point to their upperlip and be like "here. it's blonde there."

It was really embarrasing. So yea, go with waxing or find something else. :p

Shaving my moustache and small facial hair?

Okay firstly STOP! Do not shave anywhere on ur face cos u dont want it to come back all stubbly like a guy do you??!?

I kinda had this problem too cos iv got a little bit of light hair on my upper lip but the best think to do is head to boots or a pharmacy and they will have hair removal cream that is designed to be xtra sensitive for your lip etc.

its not expensive or painful at all and is pretty easy to use but remember to do a patch test first(it will have instructions on the box)

For your eyebrows dont shave these either cos my mate did that and she shaved to much so her eyebrows start really far in! Either have them waxed which doesnt hurt that much - you get used to it or pluck them yourself but dont pluck too much off!

you could also pluck the hairs on you chin or you could have them waxed but if they only short theres not much point.

hope i helped you!!


Shaving my moustache and small facial hair?

If you're a boy you should start shaving (shaving doesn't make hair grow back thicker, it just makes it grow back with blunt ends because of the razor cut - so it will be stubbly. If you're a boy it's gonna get thicker and thicker on its own and this is the desired condition).

If you're a girl, yup, time to start waxing! Don't live with a moustache if you're a girl. life's hard enough without everyone being distracted wondering why you didn't notice it and wax. If your parents won't let you wax, go get those tweezers and start plucking! Plucked hair grows back more fine because the hair is taken out at the root and has to form all over again and comes out with a naturally tapered end.

Shaving my moustache and small facial hair?

no!!!!!Don't shave it, please. I have the same problem, you can go to a lazer centre, they do very good job, but it is expensive. A cheaper way is to buy a creme that turns hair into blonde, and noone will notice your hair anymore. They sell it at beauty shops, but watch out it must be only for the face, not for the hair on top of your hair.Otherwise, it may be too toxic for the sensitive skin opf your face.

Shaving my moustache and small facial hair?

You are going to have to start shaving eventually. That whole if you shave it comes it more is a fallacy. Actually if you shave on a regular basis you "train your face" and it comes in slower. And if you shave it becomes easier over time rather than if you just shave here and there.

Here's the thing to relate it to. Think of older guys who have a little fuzz on their head and are desperaty holding on to it. It looks unkemp and like they are insecure. If they just shave it all they look 10 years younger (me) and put out a signal that my hair does not define me.

Conversly when you see a kid with just a bit of fuzz it looks like they are trying to look older. It always looks crappy. Trust me..... women like the clean cut look as it indicates that you care about your apperance.

Just shave it and join the club. Yes it is a pain to shave everyday but then again at your age it does not have to be everyday.

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