Friday, April 20, 2012

Why does mens facial hair grow faster than womens leg hair?

many answers to this question. men's face exposed to the sun more causing heat to stimulate the hair folicals making them grow by up to 30% more. another reason is, even though not all women admitt it, in some cases, men shave their face everyday alerting the body that it has been damaged making the hair come back immediately. not all women shave everyday some shave every other or less frequent depending on the circumstances.

Why does mens facial hair grow faster than womens leg hair?

Dont ask why, Ask why not.

Why does mens facial hair grow faster than womens leg hair?

Men have more testosterone

Why does mens facial hair grow faster than womens leg hair?


Why does mens facial hair grow faster than womens leg hair?


Why does mens facial hair grow faster than womens leg hair?

women are more gently than a men...

Why does mens facial hair grow faster than womens leg hair?

who cares and thank god it doesn't grow that fast.

Why does mens facial hair grow faster than womens leg hair?

Who cares, but aren't you glad it grows faster on them rather than us? I am!

You must be young, or young at heart. I am 50 and I am at the stage now where my leg hairs do not grow as fast and I don't have as many. Along with Menopause, what a blessing!

It just amazes me all the stuff we have to put up with through our lifetime and men, well, they have it made in the shade!

I suppose it stems back to Eve and the fact that it was her that forced Adam to eat the apple. For that I suppose we have paid the price.

It only makes us STRONGER though! Do you think a man could possibly go through what we have gone through or will go through? I think not!

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