Friday, April 20, 2012

Growing facial hair.?

Hey, is there any way to help stimulate or something of the like the growth of my mustache and beard on my face? I got enough now that it definitely isn't peach fuzz, and you could see a good figure of it at about 3 feet away, but it is light and thin, how could i get it thick and long faster?

Growing facial hair.?

Keep it cut short and keep yourself properly satisfied. You have sensors on your hair that tells it to stop growing at a specific rate when it reaches a specific length... also you have to provide the nutrients to grow the hair... sounds weird but here's a little quote from a designer magazine online.

"The human body is generally composed of approximately 60-80% water. When deprived of adequate water to sustain cell health and reproduction, the body becomes dehydrated, which directly impacts hair growth."

Growing facial hair.?

Shave. The more you shave, the thicker it grows back. Shave and be patient. Go ask your parents.

Growing facial hair.?

facial hair is usally passed down by genes . but i dont think you can make your own facial hair.

Growing facial hair.?

time... honestly, there is nothing you can do... you just gotta let it grow on your own, just keep shaving it and let it grow back, and it'll start growin in nice and thick all over!

Growing facial hair.?

Shave it off, it will grow back thicker and longer for sure.

Growing facial hair.?

Pluck hair off of random people on the street and glue them to your face. More hair!

Growing facial hair.?

Well the safe and best way is just to give it time. Trust me once it starts you will want it to slow down.

Growing facial hair.?

use a halloween costume beard

Growing facial hair.?

well you can't really grow facial hair it's hormonial and it does it on it's own and there's nothing to speed up the process sorry

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