Saturday, March 31, 2012

Guys - what possesses you to grow facial hair?

It is just to change your look? Or do you get tired of shaving? It can't be laziness, because a beard or moustache requires grooming, too. Please, give me insight!!!

Guys - what possesses you to grow facial hair?

We tend to do this sort of thing if we have something to conceal like bigamy, or we may be wanted by the law, or just simply don't want to be recognised.And alas we may be just hiding our ugly mugs

Guys - what possesses you to grow facial hair?

I don't know, I prefer to be clean-shaven.

Guys - what possesses you to grow facial hair?

To get revenge on women with hairy growlers. If we have to put our tongues in those, why shouldn't you lot put your tongue in a goatee? Fair's fair I say!

Guys - what possesses you to grow facial hair?

rugged look

Guys - what possesses you to grow facial hair?

Well most men like me are to lazi to shave.

We like the looks.

And beard or moustaches look cool.

Guys - what possesses you to grow facial hair?

i like it . you can change your look in a few minutes . i grow a beard for hunting season

Guys - what possesses you to grow facial hair?

A friend of mine (pyschologist) said that no woman should trust a man with a beard - it suggests they're hiding something !

Guys - what possesses you to grow facial hair?

I think some guys do grow facial hair because they are too lazy to shave least for a little while.

There are some who think growing facial hair looks tough, rugged etc.

I grow facial hair because I like it, after each his own.

Guys - what possesses you to grow facial hair?

I leave my stubble as long as possible.. I hate shaving...

Guys - what possesses you to grow facial hair?

I'm forced to shave daily... :P

that's the military for ya.

Guys - what possesses you to grow facial hair?

well for me it is laziness, at least in part. Another reason is that it keeps my face warm.

Guys - what possesses you to grow facial hair?

because shaving i crap, it looks good in differant styles and if you have an itch on your shoulder or arm - nothing better than a stubbly chin!!

Guys - what possesses you to grow facial hair?

a litlle of both, i do get tired of looking the same for more than two or three months, and it can be a hassle to shave every single day

Guys - what possesses you to grow facial hair?

for the look

Guys - what possesses you to grow facial hair?

It's part of being a man. Facial hair is natural in males. Shaving is just a fashion that has been accepted and continued by society.

Guys - what possesses you to grow facial hair?

no some sometimes it can be the laziness and no not everyone does grooming for their beard or moustache

Guys - what possesses you to grow facial hair?

To avoid the "fat baby" look :)

Guys - what possesses you to grow facial hair?

some men are just lazy and some men grow facial hair to compensate for the lack of hair on the top..

Guys - what possesses you to grow facial hair?

I like facial hair on men, I think some men do it because it is attractive and some to cover bad skin!

Guys - what possesses you to grow facial hair?

I'm a bloke and generally speaking I think beards are fairly slobby and unattractive unless I kept very short and well groomed which is as much hassle as shaving.

thinking back to my own adolescence, teenage boys are usually desperate to sport some kind of facial hair as a sign of their new-found masculinity. (there are few sadder sights than facial bum fluff on teenagers faces)

Hence in my opinion men with beards are either truly lazy with long bushy beards or misguided adolescents vainly attempting to demonstrate their manliness.

Guys - what possesses you to grow facial hair?

i wish i could grow facial hair lol, i got about 6 strands on my chin

Guys - what possesses you to grow facial hair?

never trust men with beards..

Guys - what possesses you to grow facial hair?

Nothing possesses me to grow facial hair it comes naturally. The question should be what kind of insanity makes me scrape a piece of sharpened metal across my face every morning?

Guys - what possesses you to grow facial hair?

Have had a full beard for 26 years. it keeps the face warm in winter and keeps the sun off in Summer. I keep it neatly trimed and always shampoo it so it remains soft for the ladies. I have never had any complaints in fact quite a few anti beard ladies are now beard lovers.

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