Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Women - Facial hair on men, good or bad?

I was thinking of going for that rugged, unshaven, celebrity look for a few days to see what it looks like. What do you think? I閳ユ獡 normally very clean shaven. I'm not talking about a beard though, yikes, they are too itchy.

Women - Facial hair on men, good or bad?

That might be ok.... It really depends on the person. Usually I prefer clean shaven but sometimes the rugged look is hot, if you can pull it off.... (I'm sure you can)... Usually though I go for clean shaven.... A bit on the chin can be nice too. As long as it doesn't scratch me, all is fine!


Women - Facial hair on men, good or bad?

Bah , im a guy but I dontl ike beards

Women - Facial hair on men, good or bad?

they're ok - depends who you care about and what they think.

Women - Facial hair on men, good or bad?

Beards are awesome, but no sideburns, 'K?

Women - Facial hair on men, good or bad?


Women - Facial hair on men, good or bad?

ew... i dont like facial hair it sickens me.But i guess it depends on the guy.

Women - Facial hair on men, good or bad?

You may as well try it at least if you dont like it then you can shave it off...

Women - Facial hair on men, good or bad?

it depends on what the guy looks like some look great others just look tacky

Women - Facial hair on men, good or bad?

Well, it just depends on what the person looks like really. Some men look good with facial hair and some do not.

Women - Facial hair on men, good or bad?

Don't mind a bit of the 'ruggedly handsome' look but don't like creepy thin moustaches and beards are yuk (although a goatie can be okay).

You need to ask people who know you what they think because without knowing what you look like it's hard to say what suits you and what doesn't.

(but I'd much rather kiss a clean shaven man)

Women - Facial hair on men, good or bad?

That rugged unshaven look is very sexy BUT it's very scratchy. I get face burns from it when my husband let's his beard grow out for a few days. A full beard is less scratchy but I don't care for them.

Women - Facial hair on men, good or bad?

gross! hair is so ugly and can irritate the other person who is kissing u. i say keep it off.

Women - Facial hair on men, good or bad?

facial hair on men is HOT :%26gt;

Women - Facial hair on men, good or bad?

I like hairy men, but I'm not into beards. Little bit a stubble is alright.

Women - Facial hair on men, good or bad?

I think I bit of rough is good to look at but isn't as nice to kiss. I hope it's not just bum fluff and is stubbly. A change is good as long as no one tries to give you some spare coins for a cuppa when you're sitting outside Sainsbury's...Big Issue, Big Issue....

Women - Facial hair on men, good or bad?

A little bit of stubble is nice on a man as long as it's neat and you feel comfortable with it...why not?

Women - Facial hair on men, good or bad?


Women - Facial hair on men, good or bad?

I prefer clean shaven men. I always think that beards are masking something. And I do not like mustaches either. There are some guys who look handsome in them, they just don't really appeal to me.

Women - Facial hair on men, good or bad?


Women - Facial hair on men, good or bad?

Well i suppose it depend's on what you wear, i mean if you are a suit and tie man then clean shaven is best otherwise you can look a little scruffy. But if you class youself as casual but still smart i think it looks good! But whatever you decide i'm sure you will look great!


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