Saturday, April 14, 2012

Ok...About facial hair.?

Will mine fully come in? I am 20, American, and healthy. I have plenty on my legs, and I do mean plenty. I have a bit on my stomach and chest, and not to be gross, but it started on my back...until I waxed it. (Ouch Town) I can grow it all over my face except the mustache, under my lip, and the sides of my lip, where the "handlebars would be." I can see a few black hairs there, but thats about it. The rest of my face can grow fine, I have a thickish chin strap that is fine and is about 2 inches long, but I want the full Grizzly Adams. Will it all ever come in?

Ok...About facial hair.?

Eh, you're only 20, give it time. You'll have hair growing out of places you don't want it to be eventually (think of it like this, someday your nose hair might be able to substitute if your mustache never comes in fully).

Ok...About facial hair.?

My husband hardly had any facial hair when he was 20, he only had to shave about once a month. By the time he was 24 or 25 it started coming in alot faster, but it wasn't really thick until he got to be about 30. Like you, he was always very hairy except his face.

Ok...About facial hair.?

As men age, our hair moves downwards. It relocates from our heads first to our faces and chests, then slows for a bit.

Then, bit by bit, it gets sneaky. All that hair you once had on your head will begin cropping up on your back, on your shoulders, out your nose, even out your ears. (That part may take a couple decades)

Trust me, you will never have a problem growing hair. It's just about growing hair in the right places.

Some guys do always have sparse facial hair. Can't say that that's your situation for at least a few more years. It's pretty infrequent too - I only know of one or two guys like that.

It sounds to me like you're pretty normal.

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