Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Mens Facial Hair - YUK!?

My hubby wants to grow a beard? He looks like a homeless person.....I feel like throwing loose change at him when I walk past. What can I say to convince him?

Mens Facial Hair - YUK!?

Leave the poor guy alone! He's probably just fed up of shaving, a reaction I understand completely. How would YOU react if he reacted like this to something you wanted to do?

Mens Facial Hair - YUK!?

Womens genital hair - YUK!?


Mens Facial Hair - YUK!?

Let him be.

With any luck, the novelty will wear off when the beard starts to itch, as they do for men who have never had one. When that happens he will probably go back to shaving.

Besides, once he gets it actually happening and styled properly, you might quite like it. Cuts down on the beard rash problem from kissing too!

Mens Facial Hair - YUK!?

1. Some men look great with a beard / goatee / watever facial hair on. They look dignified and polished.

2. Some men DONT. This can be due to the fact that their facial structure just isnt right for them to be growing any form of facial hair. Either this, or they have no clue how to nurture and maintain the beard/goatee/watever.

If your husband falls into category #2, then perhaps u can be more constructive and give him some tips on how to maintain and take care of his beard / goatee such that he will look better (and not like a homeless guy).

ANd yes, perhaps its just a phase. you can hope!

Mens Facial Hair - YUK!?

Cookie.....are you trying to tell us something?

You have a 'male' avatar and you are writing about your husband??? Hmmmmmm!! To each their own.

Any way......beards are awesome as long as he keeps it trimmed.

I can't stand guys with out a mustache and beard.

My sweetie has a great beard that is chiseled down to the jawline and at the chin connects up to his mustache. He keeps his neck shaved. He looks very classy and sexy. Have him try one that way. If you're a real "Cookie"'ll love it.

Mens Facial Hair - YUK!?

i don't normally like it when u kiss a man with facial hair. it pokes you :(

Mens Facial Hair - YUK!?

say if you grow one im just gunna shave it off in the middle of the nite!

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