Saturday, April 14, 2012

Ladies - Waxing, Shaving, tweezing or laser removal facial hair?

Which do you prefer for upper lip hair and chin hair? And which has the longest lasting results. I have a few strands on my chin and I was thinking about laser removal. Anyone tried and what was the results?

Ladies - Waxing, Shaving, tweezing or laser removal facial hair?


wow its amazing.

Ladies - Waxing, Shaving, tweezing or laser removal facial hair?

Whatever u do DO NOT BLEACH/SHAVE OR TWEEZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sally Hanson has some great hair removal creme, it lasts about 2-3 weeks and works great! i neever had hair removal but that might work too

Ladies - Waxing, Shaving, tweezing or laser removal facial hair?

I heard bleaching lasts longer. if you wax it, it will come back faster. laser removal, you need to have 6 sessions. and tweezing for facial hair?!?!? Good luck, that would hurt really bad!

Ladies - Waxing, Shaving, tweezing or laser removal facial hair?

I had laser removal on my upper lip, it kind of hurt a bit and you have to get it done like 3-4 times depending on how bad it is and prices vary. My'n was $60 and it was totally worth it!!

Ladies - Waxing, Shaving, tweezing or laser removal facial hair?

I investigated laser hair removal for myself, and was told that my hair didn't have enough pigment for that to work. If you have dark hair, that may work for you, but it's expensive and I'm told it comes back.

I use an epilator.

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