Friday, April 20, 2012

Is facial hair attractive in a man?

NO. Clean is classy and sexy.

Is facial hair attractive in a man?

yeah......unless, they're like really, really, hairy

Is facial hair attractive in a man?

I guess for some girls, but other girls like their guys to be clean cut and shaved. Just dont leave your facial until its long enough to braid.

Is facial hair attractive in a man?

Not all women like facial hair, but most wouldn't mind well groomed facial hair.

Is facial hair attractive in a man?

Ew in my opinion NOOOO. i hate any type of body hair its gross. except for head hair like eyebrows, eyelashes, and scalp hair.

Is facial hair attractive in a man?

sometimes...some men/guys look very attractive...if its well kept. Just like you get your hair cut...guys should take care of their facial hair as well...I think it is SOO gross when a guys facial hair is all over the place. ya know what I mean?

Is facial hair attractive in a man?

It depends on the female and what their "style" is for men. Personally I liked my boyfriend's little goatee, especially since I can't get him to get rid of it since I talked him into getting it.

Facial hair on some men isn't bad, and some men without facial hair isn't bad.

Is facial hair attractive in a man?

The girls I used to date always liked that I had stubble like 5:00 shadow but hated the fully grown beard when they kissed me.

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