Friday, April 20, 2012

I have facial hair on my face why? like the man inbalance in me or what explain please?

all woman have hair on their faces but some more than others it depends on your hormones ask your Dr birth control pills can actually help balence your hormones and of course waxing helps as well

I have facial hair on my face why? like the man inbalance in me or what explain please?

i don't know why but it's normal

you should try bleaching them

I have facial hair on my face why? like the man inbalance in me or what explain please?

do you also have a pee wee?????????

I have facial hair on my face why? like the man inbalance in me or what explain please?

Maybe you could have a career as the bearded woman at the circus.

I have facial hair on my face why? like the man inbalance in me or what explain please?

It happens ocaisionaly when going through puberty.

It could be:

A) normal side effects

B) polycycstic ovarian syndrome.

If you are overweight, or a bit obese, then you should talk to a doctor about option B. I deal with it too. I have it. You could have it without being obese, but it makes it more likely. especialy if you are considerably into puberty and have sporadic or no period at all.

Ignore the people saying rude things.

They have no idea what they're saying, so dont let them get under your skin.

ever need to talk about it, then feel free to contact me, ok?

-Take Care, Elyse

By the way. Happy (early) Birthday ahead of time.

I know its approching because the Pisces era is approaching.

I have facial hair on my face why? like the man inbalance in me or what explain please?

what is your nationality/heritage?

It's probably just genetics, but it could be a sign you're producing a lot of testosterone.

A lot of girls have peach fuzz on their face though

I have facial hair on my face why? like the man inbalance in me or what explain please?

Its probably a hormone inbalance.

I have facial hair on my face why? like the man inbalance in me or what explain please?

obesity can cause abnormal hair growth. Poly systic ovaries can cause hair growth. Hormonal imbalances can cause hair growth. You should see your doctor there is a huge amount of 'could be's' better to be safe then sorry!

I have facial hair on my face why? like the man inbalance in me or what explain please?

There are a number of reasons. It could just be genetics. Mediterreanean women tend to have more facial hair than say, Asians. Or, it oculd just run in your family. But I am guessing form your question, this is not a normal trait for your family so I think you could also have a hormonal imbalance. The most related to that condition would be PCOS. If you also have irregular or absent periods, maybe you'd like to see your Dr. to be tested for PCOS.

I have facial hair on my face why? like the man inbalance in me or what explain please?

your parents must come from a "dark cultured country" like in the meditteraen. Go to a Laser Hair Removal Specialist. Its costly , but well worth it.

I have facial hair on my face why? like the man inbalance in me or what explain please?

could be hormonal imbalance or hereditary. I had my doctor check out my hormones first, everything normal, then started looking at my family and sure enough, most of my family on one side all had the same problems. I waxed for years and then have finally done laser hair removal in the last few years. Best thing I ever did.

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