Monday, April 16, 2012

Help I'm a 22 year old woman and I am getting facial hair!!?

I desperately need advice...for the past 2 years I have started getting coarse hairs on my chin and its really embarrassing. I am too much of a wimp to pluck and bleaching won't cut it, and shaving has to be done twice a day. I'm not on any medication or anything and my hair growth everywhere else is there anything my doctor might be able to prescribe. And if so...can I just go to my general family Dr. at Trinity mother francis?

Help I'm a 22 year old woman and I am getting facial hair!!?

Hi there..

first all the other people are right..don't to pluck or wax...

second of all..and the big tell tale sign..

are your periods regular??

Have you noticed weight gain ?

You could have something called PCOS...

Poly cystic ovary syndrome..

It can cause hair in places that you wouldn't normally get it..

and can sometime cause prob with your periods...

If the hair is bothering you that much then i would defiantly see a Doctor or Gyno...

Some light hair on the face is normal but it's normally fine and the growth is small and consistent...which doesn't sound like you...

A doctor should do blood tests to check hormone levels such as FSH and if that doesn't show anything (Like mine didn't) then an ultrasound may be needed.

Don't put up with this if it's becoming a don't need to suffer in silence :0)

Get ya self check out pronto and good luck! xx

Help I'm a 22 year old woman and I am getting facial hair!!?

idk if there is anything you can do besides seeing a dr. You shouldnt have shaved though because when you shave your hair grows back thicker and darker!!!

Help I'm a 22 year old woman and I am getting facial hair!!?

never ever shave yourface!!!!!!!! that was your number one problem there! whereever you shave, more hair grows back and it grows faster!!!!!! i always pluck, it works for me! just go check it out with your doctor! good luck!

Help I'm a 22 year old woman and I am getting facial hair!!?

This is quite normal! Lots of women get a smalll amount of hair on their faces, try shaving it!

Help I'm a 22 year old woman and I am getting facial hair!!?

Well, as we get older, yes starting in our 20's, we women start to get hair in places we don't want it. It's due to hormones changing in our bodies.

Shaving was a bad idea. Quit doing that. It will only make the hair grow back darker and thicker, and more hair will start growing in course.

You have 2 options if you don't want to luck or bleach.

You can opt for laser hair removal. It is pretty painless and relatively affordable. Under many circumstances after about 4-6 treatments the hair won't grow back at all. The problem is, the hair has to have at least a few days growth so the laser can actually destroy the hair, so you might want to wait until you have some time off several days to do this each time.

There is another option. There is a prescription medication you can get now from your doctor that helps treat unwanted facial hair. It is called Vaniqa.

Vaniqa (eflornithine hydrochloride) Cream, 13.9% as the first topical prescription treatment for women with unwanted facial hair. Vaniqa works by inhibiting the growth of facial hair.

Best of luck!!!

Help I'm a 22 year old woman and I am getting facial hair!!?

i get the same thing... a few here and there.. usually have to get one twice a week... i use tweezers and just pluck them out... you honestly dont even feel it and im a whimp when it comes to the eye brows... you can talk to your dr about it but i doubt theres much he/she can do... DO NOT SHAVE OR NAIR YOUR CHIN AREA it will make it thicker and darker... i pluck mine, then you only have a few doing that not your whole chin... i just watch everyday when applying my makeup and see if any need taken care of... plus plucking pulls it at the root vs. shaving taking from the layer of skin... you can still see the black dot of hair if you shave it and have to do it often

Help I'm a 22 year old woman and I am getting facial hair!!?

You need to go to an Endocrinologist. You will need to get blood work done to see if you have PCOS or hormonal irregularity. If you have irregular periods, are overweight (with the weight concentrated in your upper body- stomach, arms etc)- then there is a possibility that you have PCOS in which case the doc will put you on birth control and spirolonolactone or another testosterone blocker.

The other thing may be that you have excess testosterone. Testosterone is produced by the ovaries and adrenals. DHEA can also be converted to testosterone in the body. If you do have excess testosterone, then they will prescribe you spiro or another testosterone blocker.

It may turn out that your blood tests are normal... this will most likely mean that your hair follicles are sensitive to testosterone in which case spiro can help as well.

In any case, women in your situation opt for waxing, plucking or shaving. For permanency, you can get electrolysis.

Help I'm a 22 year old woman and I am getting facial hair!!?

Hisutism (excessive hair growth) in women is often linked to hormonal imbalances (elevated androgen). There are indeed prescription creams that may treat this condition. However, your physician needs to evaluate the condition as this may be (although not likely) a disease causing high androgen levels in your body. Read about hirsutism at

Help I'm a 22 year old woman and I am getting facial hair!!?

Vanica will stop, but has to be used every day (need prescription)...check ur hormones, adrenal glands, pituitary, thyroid....ur having an imbalance some where...also try progesterone cream beta yamm 900.

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