Monday, April 16, 2012

Facial Hair, should I shave?

I've had a goatee for about a year and half, I'm 20 and for some reason I think I want to shave it off. Should I shave it off.

Facial Hair, should I shave?

Ask your friends whether it suits you or not. If the goatee doesn't suit you, then shave it off. But it is your decision after all.

Hope you make the right one!


Facial Hair, should I shave?

i love facial hair so i vote no...

Facial Hair, should I shave?

if your a female no dont wax instead

if your a male yes take it off it will grow back n-e-ways

Facial Hair, should I shave?

I adore facial hair as well... another "no" vote here.

Facial Hair, should I shave?

Yes. Even the word goatee is horrible. You feel you're done with the facial hair period of your life and should move on. Are you American? For some reason you all love facial hair over there....we have far less here in the UK because it just looks rubbish. Shave, shave, shave!

Facial Hair, should I shave?

if your a guy then do it, if you a girl DONT DO IT!!!!!!!!! if you are a girl the wax it off, b/c it will just grow back thinker and blacker so dont!

Facial Hair, should I shave?

If you do shave it, it will grow back. I say why not!

Facial Hair, should I shave?

Think about it before you do it. It will depend on your face shape whether it will look good or not. If you do decide to shave it off, it'll always grow back!

Facial Hair, should I shave?

no a goatee looks cool.......( i do hope you are a bloke lol )

Facial Hair, should I shave?

depending on how u feeel

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