Friday, April 20, 2012

Does Facial Hair look good on a guy?

I've had a goatee for about a year and half, I'm 20 and for some reason I think I want to shave it off. Should I shave it off.

Does Facial Hair look good on a guy?

I think it does. But its your hair. Maybe shave it off for now and try something new when it grows back.

Does Facial Hair look good on a guy?

why are you asking us?it's your face-do what you want.

Does Facial Hair look good on a guy?

Shave it! Facial hair is nice from a distanst but feels funky (for the girl) when you kiss.

Does Facial Hair look good on a guy?

I'm also 20 and have a goatee. I've had mine for two and a half years, and do not plan to shave it. It's a matter of personal preference. My girlfriend likes it, and I like it, so it stays. Conversely, if you don't like it, then you should shave it. It also helps to know whether you can carry the look. What I mean is, if you have scraggly chin hairs that are really thin and wispy, it doesn't look good. But if you can grow it full and dark, then you ought to be in good shape.

Does Facial Hair look good on a guy?

Some guys look good with facial hair and some guys don't. Without seeing what you look like I really couldn't say. If you want to shave then do it though. After all, it's your face.

Does Facial Hair look good on a guy?

whatever you want,its up too you

Does Facial Hair look good on a guy?

yeah, just to see what ya look like. I personally like a goatee or beard as long as there taken care of. nothing worse than a long unkept beard. If u dont like the look it will grow back pretty fast. Goatees with a shaved head is pretty hot.

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